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What are Discovery Groups?

Groups of people who gather together on a regular basis to study a specific curriculum or book of the Bible.



Sunday Mornings

9:00 am Adult Discovery Group

Monday Nights 

7:00pm The Rock Group

Current Study

"Bible Studies for Life"

Learn about God, His Word,

and how it applies to your life.

The Rock Group is consistently

studying relevant pieces of Gods 

word in todays society. Its also a 

place for fellowship and questions.

Wednesday Mornings

10:30 am Senior Adult Bible study

Bi-Monthly Meetings

10:30 am Woman On Missions

(Women Only)


Current Study

In depth study of Psalms and how to understand exactly what his word means

W.O.M has a big focus on missions and how they can reach pout to the community. They also spend time reflecting and praying for current missionary's. 

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