Learn It...​
Lead It...
Live It...
Adult Ministries
What are Discovery Groups?
Groups of people who gather together on a regular basis to study a specific curriculum or book of the Bible.
Sunday Mornings
9:00 am Adult Discovery Group
Current Study
"Bible Studies for Life"
Learn about God, His Word,
and how it applies to your life.
Wednesday Mornings
10:30 am "Adult Bible Study"
(No class 2nd Wed. of the month)
*Currently studying "End Times"
Due to Covid-19 life groups are temporary postponed
Life Groups
What are Life Groups?
Small groups of people who gather together to do life.
Why…because “Life is too Crazy to do it Alone!”
If you would like to join or start a Life Group, see our Pastor, Jay McCoy for more information.
(Senior Adults)
3rd Wednesday of the month
10:30 am
Growing Deeper
"Deeper with God, Deeper with each other"
1st & 3rd Fridays each month
6:30 pm
God Gal's
"Mind, Body, & Soul for Jesus"
2nd & 4th Sunday of the month
3:00 pm
The Immovables
(19-25 years of age)
"Standing Firm in Our Faith"
Sunday Nights 6:00 pm